Please enter your postcode to check availability.

In need of a last-minute booking? Reach out to us directly—we're here to help!

First date may be fully booked. If unavailable, we will arrange based on the second date. Thank you for your understanding.

Kindly note that your booking may be assigned male OR female cleaner(s) depending on availability.

Click to show tools list
Yes, please provide cleaning tools for my booking. (RM40 per pax per session)

- Our cleaners will not be able to assist on cleaning any pet’s waste.
- ⁠Please kindly caged or tie your pets throughout the cleaning session.

Purchase a Cleaning Package Now!

Purchase and place your booking online now. Simply fill up the following form and complete your payment online.*

Book Your AC Session Now!

Simply fill up the following form and complete your payment online. We will contact you as soon as possible!*

Our technician will contact you for the best timing.

Order value

Kindly complete the form above to view your order value.

Rescheduling and Cancellation Notice

1. If your booking is cancelled by cleaner after confirmation, we will :
- Reschedule your booking to another date & time based on your preference
2. If you select to reschedule / cancel your booking in less than 1 business day :
- Your cleaning session will be fully forfeited.

Cleaner Assigned

Depending on availability, your booking may be assigned either male OR female cleaner(s).

Cleaning tools

Unless you have requested above, cleaning tools are not included. Kindly ensure that necessary cleaning tools including mop, broom, cloth, dustbin bags and cleaning detergent are prepared.